and the ability to learn what your very deep ancestral origins are.
Today Genealogy is the 2nd. most popular hobby. That is the claim, but for most it is not a hobby but the desire to find out "Who we really are".
Our testing is done through Family Tree DNA the largest Genetic Genealogy testing group. To get a better understanding of what you can find out about your origins watch the video. Remember there are many ancestors that you certainly are not aware of and therefore your DNA make-up is likely to be quite different than you think. Mine certainly was and that is true of many our group members. You are welcome to join our group at family tree DNA Hatton-Hutton Group.Here is a link to the most fequently asked question and another link to the cost of the tests. The test consists of swabbing the inside of your cheeks. It's a simple tests and the kit you recieve has everything you need including the mailor to return the kit. Once the kit is returned a private website is set up for you that will show your results, places where people are found that match you and the group you belong to. This is called a haplogroup. It is more or less like a clan. The haplogroup has several subgroups. The subgroups narrow down your likely place of origin. It's important to remember that we are not just talking about a few generation but thousands of years. In most cases we have no history back that far so most of us do not know our true origin. Our families may have lived in an entirely different place and of course the boundries of nations have changed as well. There is also a list of people who match you. Their names and email addresses appear and it appears that they are a close match you might want to discuss this with the administrator of your group. The Hatton-Hutton Group accepts anyone because we realize that relationships are by DNA and not by surnames. Once you have completed the test you can compare your results against some very famous people. Just click on this link.It appears that most of us have taken our names from places, or tribes, and that is why men with the same surname do not usually match. Most matches are from the last 10-15 generations. Don't miss the other links listed at the bottom of the page. Ancient DNA, U.S. Presidents etc. NEXT PAGE
In the column to the left there is a link to the most frequently asked questions about how we use DNA to find your real roots and origins. We can also determine the areas in the world that your ancestors originated and where people live that are most like you. We can find your DNA cousins, some distant and some rather closely related.
Using DNA testing for genealogy is extremely interesting and most people ARE NOT who they think they are. In other words, your family may have migrated from England but are not English, or they may have arrived in this country from Spain or France believing they are Spanish or French but your DNA indicates that is not the case. People have been migrating from place to place over thousands of years and they no longer know, or are aware of, their original place of origin, We can determine where your distant ancestors originated. Why do children in the same family look and act so differently? That is easily answered. It is because they inherited genes from others as well as their parents.Each parent contributes 50% of the genetic make-up of the child but each parent also passes onthe genes from each of their families. In many cases one child may inherit genes from a grandparent thatis more pronouced than another child and he or she has the personality of a grandparent and not thatof either parent. Children in one family can act and look very differently than their other siblings ortheir parents. One may have dark hair and eyes another light hair or even blond and blue eyes.These traits lie somewhere in the family of one of the parents ancestors and it is fairly commonplace.There are those families where the children look very much alike but usually that's because both paretsare similar. But then one child may be very different than let's say four others. This child has a genetic make-upfrom someone in the ancestral tree.We once supposed that most people with the same surname were related. That doesn't seem to be the case. Surnames are much more complicated than we once believed and in many cases children were given the name of their mother's family. There certainly were more NPE [non patenity event] in many families over thousands of years. In these cases the father may have raised the children but was not the biological father. They were given his name and he may not have been aware of the npe. |